Monday, June 6, 2016

7 Reasons It’s A Good Idea For Network Marketers To Focus On Getting Cus...

Prefer to read this instead?  Go to my blog post now at:

There has been, still is, and will probably forever be an ongoing argument…

“Should Network Marketers Focus More on Getting Customers or Team Members?”

And each side of the debate definitely makes their points.

All the years I’ve been involved in this industry (or as some prefer, profession) I’ve noticed that for the most part, people are recruited and told to recruit once they’ve become part of the recruited.

It wasn’t until the last 3-4 years or so that I’ve noticed more actual retail SALES happening… even in my own business.

I used to feel as though it was more (MOST, even) important that I build a team than to build a strong customer base.

Nowadays, my focus has shifted, as has many others.

So, today, I’m not here to debate which is better, which one you “should” be doing the most of.  I’m just going to lay out what I feel are…

"7 Reasons It’s A Good Idea For Network Marketers To Focus On Getting Customers"

As mentioned in the video, there will be a series breaking down each of the 7 reasons.  In order to be notified, you can either:

1.) Get on my email list by sending a blank email here:

2.) "Like" my Facebook Page by clicking here and then clicking "like": 

Got a business you want to get exposure to and have customers finding and coming to YOU?  Click here for my 5-Step Build Your Business Online Success Formula here:

Thanks for watching and please be sure to "like" this video and share it with others!

Cherie King
"The Work@Home Advocate"

Monday, November 10, 2014

Marketing Tip: How to Work With The Seasons in Your Business

Just as there are seasons such as winter, spring, summer and fall...
there are seasons that your BUSINESS will go through.

Are you prepared?

Watch the video below to find out what I mean by that!


Cherie King

"The Work@Home Advocate"

Get much needed help marketing & promoting your business online here:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

In High Ticket Affiliate Programs Or Business? Help Your Prospects Affor...

Are you involved in high ticket affiliate programs or a high ticket business?


Have you ever encountered anyone who wanted desperately to join you, but they just didn't have the funds? 

Aside from suggesting a loan, credit card, selling their car or their left kidney, how else can you help prospects fund their way into your program? 

Watch the video and then click here to learn of another, less intrusive way to help those who may need a little assistance: 


Cherie King
"The Work@Home Advocate"

Do's And Don'ts of Social Media Marketing For Businesses And Beyond

Every now and then while I'm on Facebook, I see some folks doing things that make me absolutely CRINGE with irritation!

In fact, sometimes, I actually feel embarrassed for them.

Some of these people are business opportunity marketers but some are people who are marketing something else whether it's for profit of not-for profit.

So I have put together a small, yet significant checklist of things to do and things NOT to do on social media sites such as Facebook... well, mainly Facebook.


"The Work@Home Advocate"

P.S. If you'd like to work with me where you can generate income with NO recruiting, click here: 

If you ALREADY have a business and need more exposure to it, click here for my FREE 5-Step Formula Video Series:

Thursday, February 20, 2014

How to Ask For The Sale: Tips And Techniques To Take Away the Fear of As...

used-car-salesman - how to ask for the sale

Recently a group of phenomenal women and I got together on our weekly Winning Women Network Hangout and we were discussing, "Asking for the Sale" or "Asking for the Money".

WWN Banner

We talked about how challenging it can be for many people to close the deal when in MLM/Network Marketing, Real Estate, Cosmetology or any other business or profession where you have to ask a person to pay up for a service rendered or a product purchased.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tutorial Tuesday: How to Create a Hyperlink Within PowerPoint

If you've ever wondered how to link within PowerPoint, this video is going to show you how!


Cherie King 

"The Work@Home Advocate" 

P.S. If you're interested in how I make money from home with NO recruiting required, check THIS out: